CentOS 7
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Fully Accessed Shared Folder
Install Samba to configure File Server.
This example shows to create a fully accessed shared Folder which anybody can read and write, and also authentication is not required.
[1] Configure Samba.
[root@smb ~]#
yum -y install samba samba-client
[root@smb ~]#
mkdir /home/share

[root@smb ~]#
chmod 777 /home/share

[root@smb ~]#
vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
# near line 66: add follows

unix charset = UTF-8
dos charset = CP932
# line 90: change (Windows' default)

workgroup =
# line 96: uncomment and change IP address you allow

hosts allow = 127.
# line 126: add ( no auth )

security = user
passdb backend = tdbsam
map to guest = Bad User
# add follows to the end

# any name you like

    path = /home/share
# shared directory

    writable = yes
# writable

    guest ok = yes
# guest allowed

    guest only = yes
# guest only

    create mode = 0777
# fully accessed file

    directory mode = 0777
# fully accessed directory
[root@smb ~]#
systemctl start smb nmb

[root@smb ~]#
systemctl enable smb nmb

[2] If Firewalld is running, allow Samba service.
[root@smb ~]#
firewall-cmd --add-service=samba --permanent

[root@smb ~]#
firewall-cmd --reload

[3] If SELinux is enabled, change SELinux Context.
[root@smb ~]#
setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs on

[root@smb ~]#
restorecon -R /home/share

[4] It's the way to access to the shared folder. This example is on Windows 10.
Select [Computer] - [Map Network Drive].
[5] Specify the shared folder's place in Folder section and Click the 'Finish' button to enter.
[6] Just accessed to the shared Folder.